Jessica’s Story



“She helped me overcome fear of what I assumed was physically not possible to do.”

I first met Rikki at the recommendation of a pelvic floor physical therapist. She had no appts for several weeks, and mentioned that Rikki ran a program that focuses on pelvic floor, and that I could benefit from seeing her.
I walked into CTS a few months postpartum, in a tremendous amount of pain. I was recovering from a back injury, and caring for my daughter was totally overwhelming. I struggled to lift her out of the crib, get down on the floor for tummy time, lift her stroller in and out of the car, and just be the Mom I wanted to be.

Rikki met me right where I was at. She designed a program just for me, and met with me one on one for several weeks. She taught me so many practical positions to navigate everyday Mom life. How to hinge, not bend, saving my back. How to carry the car seat properly, and to balance a kid on one hip and grocery’s on the other. She taught me how to keep up with Mom life while recovering from birth and an injury. She helped me overcome fear of what I assumed was physically not possible to do. When I did have a minor flare up with my back pain, she helped me back down from the ledge, reminding me how much I had healed, and I could continue to move forward with fitness in a safe way.

After a few weeks, I physically felt ready to move on to her postpartum class. This is really where I hit my stride. I loved everything about the class. You can bring you baby! You're surrounded my other Mamas, who are in the same season as you. It’s challenging, but never competitive. It’s physical, but always mindful. There is no focus on weight loss (although that was lovey side effect) but on being strong, energetic and healthy for your kids. I had found my people!

I learned I was expecting my second and never missed a beat. Rikki walked me through everything from managing workouts during first trimester fatigue, adjusting moves to allow for my growing belly, and helping me prepare mentally for birth through breath work and visualization.
My recovery with baby #2 is impossible to believe from where I can from. I feel strong, capable and healthy. The muscle memory is there to move properly and be able to lift, twist, bend, kneel, scoop, and run. All the things any Mom does 100 times a day!

CTS and Rikki’s program gave me the ability to be the Mom I wanted, and I’m so thankful to have found them and this program! I know my entire family has benefited from the results.

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